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Extreme Storm

2024 Disasters

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has made Individual Assistance available for multiple disasters in 2024. These disasters include five hurricanes - Beryl, Debby, Francine, Helene, and Milton - as well as severe storms, fires, landslides, and other events. The Texas Appleseed team has created dashboards using FEMA Individual Assistance data for Hurricane Beryl, severe storms in Texas, and Hurricane Helene across the southeast, all available on the Disaster Equity Data Portal. In addition, we are working with the Florida Housing Coalition to create dashboards for Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton. Raw individual assistance data is available on the Portal for certain events.

Hurricane Beryl and Texas Severe Storms

Texas suffered a series of severe storms in Spring 2024, including a derecho in Houston with winds in excess of 100 mph and tornadoes and other storms that ultimately affected more than 80 counties. (FEMA designated these storms collectively as TX-4781-DR). In July, Hurricane Beryl struck the gulf coast of Texas, causing flooding, wind damage, and power outages. (DR-4798-TX). Together these events prompted almost 1.4 million applications for Individual Assistance in Texas. The Texas Severe Storms 2024 Dashboard tracks total applications, eligibility determinations, and the number of inspections completed for those two disasters.

Texas Storms Data Dashboard


Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene made landfall in the Big Bend Region of the gulf coast of Florida and then brought strong wind and torrential rain as far north as southern Virginia. FEMA made Individual Assistance available in six states: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. The Hurricane Helene Dashboard (v1) allows researchers, disaster recovery advocates, and emergency managers to quickly see total applications, eligibility determinations, and approvals by state and county across the entire affected region. 

Hurricane Helene Dashboard (v1)


Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton

Texas Appleseed is working with the Florida Housing Coalition to develop dashboards that examine in more depth the impacts of the four storms that made landfall in Florida in 2023 and 2024:

  • Hurricane Idalia on August 30, 2023.

  • Hurricane Debby on August 5, 2024.

  • Hurricane Helene on September 26, 2024.

  • Hurricane Milton on October 9, 2024.

These dashboards will be posted here as well as on the Florida Housing Coalition website when they are complete. 

Raw Data

The raw individual assistance data for the 2024 hurricanes is available for download below. The data for Hurricane Beryl exceeds 1 million rows and so it has been broken into two files - data for storms with more than 1 million rows has been split into smaller files by county, e.g. for Beryl Harris County (+/-695,000 rows) and data for the rest of Texas (+/-387,000 rows).  . Likewise, data for Hurricane Milton has been broken into Hillsborough County (+/-253,000 rows) and the rest of the state (+/-794,000 rows) Data for Helene for all states exceeds 1 million rows, but can be downloaded by state as well. 

The data was downloaded from FEMA's January 4, 2025 update. We do not anticipate updating this data again because it is more than 90 days after the declaration dates for the storms.  More recent data or data for other disasters can be provided upon request


01.04.25 Hurricane Beryl - Harris County (4798)​​

01.04.25 Hurricane Beryl - Rest of Texas (4798)


01.04.25 Hurricane Debby (4806)


01.04.2025 Hurricane Francine (4817)


01.04.25 Tropical Storm Helene in North Carolina (4827)

01.04.25 Hurricane Helene in Florida (4828)

01.04.25 Hurricane Helene in South Carolina (4829)

01.04.25 Hurricane Helene in Georgia (4830)

01.04.25 Tropical Storm Helene in Virginia (4831)

01.04.25 Tropical Storm Helene in Tennessee (4832)

01.04.25 Helene All States


01.04.25 Hurricane Milton - Hillsborough County

01.04.25 Hurricane Milton - Rest of Florida

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