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Sandy -
New Jersey

Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast of the United States, including most of New Jersey, in late October 2012. It caused intense coastal flooding due to a strong storm surge as well as wind damage in central New Jersey.


Storm Facts

  • Impacted Area: New Jersey, 2012

  • Total Individual Assistance Applications: 260,880

Key Insights from this Dashboard

  • Applications per 100 households were highest along the coast due in part to a very high storm surge of
    4 to 8 feet.

  • Some residents, particularly renters, may have had difficulty applying for disaster relief, reducing the number of applications relative to the total amount of storm damage: Applicants who owned their home were 32% more likely to get an application approved than renters (26.3% and 19.9%, respectively).

  • The most socially vulnerable parts of New Jersey include areas around Newark, Bayonne, and Camden, as well as parts of the Jersey Shore. These were also among the areas hit hardest by the storm.

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